ATU Servicing
Home Sewage Treatment Plants are required by law to be serviced on a regular basis (normally quarterly unless otherwise stated). Your Local Council will enforce these laws. Systems may only be serviced by registered licensed wastewater service personnel. The first years service is included in the installation price.
After the first year you can renew your service contract with us on a yearly basis. Please note: All aerated and septic systems need to be pumped out depending on usage. On average most ATU systems need to be pumped out between 7 to 10 years*. Any claims by other companies that their tanks never have to be pumped out are incorrect as some solid matter that households produce cannot be digested or dissolved. No sludge accumulation indicates minimal digestion in the system or sludge is dispersed into the irrigation field, both conditions not ideal.
*subject to system loading an individual household waste profile.

Ultraclear's Servicing engineer Aaryn Johansen are Western Australian Health Department accredited service provider for numerous ATU systems. Ultraclear Servicing service in excess of 200 systems over a range of products throughout the south-west which include:
Aqua Nova (Everhard Industries)
Biosystems 2000
Barracuda (Toowoomba Tanks)
Ultraclear has the equipment, capacity and expertise to clean the Martin Systems si-Claro membrane packs installed in domestic and commercial systems.
If you have a system on this list and you require servicing then please do not hesitate to contact us for an obligation free quotation.
Servicing typically ranges from $400 to $500 per year, depending on the size, type and location relative to Busselton.
This cost includes:
Replacement and cleaning of filters, baffles and inlets
Maintenance of disinfection system (cleaning/replacing of UV tubes or replacing chlorine tablets)
Assess and adjust system operation to suit changing household conditions i.e. holiday periods, extended stay visitors and absense.
Measurement of dissolved oxygen content and temperature in aeration chamber
Measurement of sludge levels in all chambers
Sampling of irrigation chamber and analysis in our in-house laboratory, including: pH, turbidity, free chlorine (phosphorous and nitrogen where applicable). Other tests contracted out on a needs basis.
Assessment and reporting of system performance to local authority.
All tests and measurements are data based to determine trends whereby client feedback are advised eg. pump out time lag
Fast response call out (within 24 hours) for any system issues

Most importantly Ultraclear provide vital feedback to the client to improve performance, normally this involves advise on cleaning products and lifestyle. It is this advise that makes servicing and operation problem free.
The cost of maintaining your ATU is a small cost when compared to typical water rates charged by local governments. Your ATU gives you the added benefit of being able to recycle almost 100% of your water.