Brewery Wastewater Projects

Cheeky Monkey Brewery Yallingup - Western Australia

Core Cidery - Kalamunda Western Australia
Project Budget: $40K AUD
Project Brief
Blend dam and rain water to brewer specification
Provide flexibility to alter blend
Micro filtration to remove particulates
Pre-Ultraviolet sterilisation
Pressurised water supply to brewery
Water supply filtration and sterilization 40kL/d
System Configuration
dual lowara hydro boost pumpset
Mixed bed sand/carbon filtration
10 micron filter
2 micron filter
Radfire ultraviolet sterilisation
Project Budget: $110k AUD
Project Brief
100 seat restaurant
10kL dual alternating pump station
Provide infrastructure to expand to 15kL/d
Treated water augmented into orchard irrigation
System Configuration
Phosphorus removal via magnesium/carbon filtration
Hexpod filtration module
TAYLEX CABS commercial advanced secondary 5kL/d
Discharge to orchard irrigation system