Commercial Sewage

Commercial Advanced Blower System (CABS)
The CABS System is a purpose built ‘off the shelf’ Commercial Sewage Teatment Plant. It is not a series of Domestic Treatment Plants to make up a commercial system. It is essentially a 5,000 litre per day off-the-shelf modular system that can be used to treat commercial sewage from 5,000, 10,000, 15,000 or 20,000 litres per day. Larger systems such as 50,000 or 60,000 litres per day can also be created.
CABS system installed in the Perth Hills Western Australia
The 5,000 litre per day CABS system is a 5 chambered monolithic tank that uses an extended aeration process that can be turnedon and off to adjust nitrogen levels.
The effluent enters the primary chamber and then flows into the secondary/buffer chamber which then pumps the desired amount of conditioned effluent to the aeration chamber via the CABS controller unit.
This effluent is pumped from the secondary buffer tank to the aeration chamber once per hour and the amount of effluent pumped across can be varied depending on the amount of
effluent that enters the system on a daily basis i.e 100 litres per hour 150, 208 litres per hour.
The aerated (aerobic) chamber has large areas of submerged fixed film growth media to promote stable biomass which acts as a biological filter through which all effluent passes many times before entering the clarifier.

From this the aeration chamber effluent flows into a coned clarifier where any solid particles remaining sink to the bottom of this cone and are pumped via a Davey D25 Vortex pump that operates 4 times a day for 10 seconds to the primary chamber .
The remaining liquid then gravity feeds through two TFG filters which are located in the clarifier to stop any solid particles from flowing to the irrigation chamber. From this clarification chamber the treated, cleaned effluent is then gravity fed into the irrigation disinfection chamber, the disinfected, cleaned effluent is then pumped to the irrigation
management area.

Effluent Design Parameters
The CABS system will achieve the following discharge effluent specifications provided the incoming effluent is with the specified range and the system is not overloaded or dosed with disinfecting or industrial chemicals

Phosphorus and Nitrogen Reduction/Removal
Sometime in late 2013, most detergent manufacturers in Australia ceased using phosphates in their detergent products. With this in mind, phosphate should not be an issue in most treatment plants. If high effluent phosphate levels are encountered, rest assured there are a number of add-on options available for phosphate removal.
Nitrogen reduction and/or removal is a complex process for sewage treatment plants. There are many methods to combat elevated effluent nitrogen levels with each method being suited to a particular site. The ultimate nitrogen reduction capacity for each installation is not known until the system is commissioned and in steady state operation. We are however, very confident that nitrogen levels will fall within the prescibed range specified in the table above if incoming effluent quality falls within the design parameters.