Domestic MBR's membrane biorectors are a highly specialised and advanced form of wastewater treatment.
While domestic MBR's are not common in the domestic market TMC has 10 systems installed in WA all fully functional and serviced by Ultraclear servicing. No other company in Western Australia is providing a full MBR with servicing guaranteed.
TMC supply MBR's utilizing Martin Systems si-Claro FM membrane packs.
MBR's for domestic application are the future as the treatment level far exceeds existing regulatory requirements.
As pressure is applied by government regulators to improve water way security MBR's will gain increased support to protect the environment and allow unrestricted water recycling reuse.
The technology TMC provide for domestic systems meets the European Bathing Water Standard.
The prime advantage of MBR technology is the effluent quality is never compromised from zero to maximum design capacity. The interlectual property is the technology and the servicing knowledge provided by TMC and their associated business colleagues, a situation not common in the domestic market.
TMC are ground breakers in domestic MBR technology.
For more infomation on this latest technology please make contract with TMC.