ATU installation pricing is based on a 100 km radius of Busselton comprising
North to Myalup
East to Greenbushes
South to Augusta
Outside of these areas pricing will include additional transport by negotiation.
All ATU prices include 150 sqm of surface irrigation.
Discounted prices are available in selected areas, please make contact for available discounts in your local area.
Budget a total price of $15,100 including GST for your project in the south-west region. The New! Turbojet Single AS1546.3:2017 compliant.

This price includes:
Shire Permit to Install including all fees and charges
Supply to site with full installation of tank
Irrigation supply and install to permit conditions**
Site compliance by shire inspector to gain Permit to Use
Full commissioning
1yr service contract
**A number of options are available, it has been our experience the client will change their decision on the type and location of irrigation. Changes to the Permit may include additional costs to modify.
Tank supply to authorised installers and trade customers
Tank supply only. TMC will supervise installation
Tank supply and installation with irrigation kit. TMC will inspect irrigation area for compliance and organise shire inspection.
Contact TMC for custom pricing to suit your requirements.
Connection of house plumbing to tank. This is usually covered in the builders price if within 10m of the dwelling.
Connection of power single phase 10amp. Must be completed by licensed electrician, TMC will supply all wiring directions to assist.
Rock excavation and removal. Normally we have a good idea if rock will be encountered; the quotation will include an allowance for rock.
High water. Being based in Busselton we are well experienced with high water table and the methods to install tanks essentially in swamps. We will know if water will be an issue, the quotation will include an allowance for high water.
Removal of excess material from excavation. Our contractor will either spread on site as directed or placed in a pile for collection. Note material not suitable for backfilling such as clay will increase the quantity of material to be removed or spread.
Backfill with clean sand if not available on site. Backfilling with compactable soil is vital for a correct installation
Addition of mulch to irrigation area if specified in the Permit to Install
Filling of tank with water if not available on site at time of installation