Restaurant Wastewater Projects

Rose/Masonmill Garden - Kalamunda Western Australia
Project Budget: $580k (3 stages)
Project Brief
8,000 visitors per month
40kL/d commercial MBR as x4 10kL/d trains
discharge to irrigation dam, allowance for overflow to creek
Restaurant (stage 1)
Function center (stage 2)
6 chalets (stage 2)
Tavern (stage 3)
System Configuration
Pre-treatment - grease removal via VGS
four individual process trains comprising septic receival tank
4 parallel 10kL MBR treatment trains
Project status: Stage 1 complete

Jewel Cave - Augusta Western Australia
Project Budget: $83k AUD
Project Brief
75 seat restaraunt
5kL per day inflow
Effluent recycle for use in amenities
System Configuration
2kL grease trap
10kL Septic/buffer tank
MBR 4 x si-Claro flatplate membrane modules

Two separate packs 2 cassettes
each with separate blowers and pumps managed by one controller.