Tank Pump Out
TMC contracts registered local liquid waste handlers to pump out septic and ATU tanks on an as required basis. All TMC contractors have been thoroughly vetted and provide services to the highest possible standards.
TMC oversees all pump outs to ensure equipment is not damaged and that only the required amount of material is removed. It is also part of wastewater regulation that a qualified wastewater professional oversee all system maintenance activites.

TMC contractor BCP Liquid Waste ready for the job big or small
How much does a pump out cost?
Pump out costs vary based on the condition of the tank and the volume of material removed. More often than not, removing all of the tank contents is not necessary and it is beneficial to leave some behind to re-seed the system with active bacteria.
TMC takes a 'less is best approach' and only pumps a tank once all other system manipulations have been exhausted. Tank pump outs vary from $500 to $1000 depending on location and tank condition.
How often are ATU's pumped out?
There is significant amount of mis-information on this topic. Companies who claim their systems do not require pump outs are mis-leading you, and do not understand the biological, chemical and meta-physical processes which take place during treatment.
Time between pump outs varies depending on a large range of variables such as system loading (quantity, composition and rate), temperature, presence of bacterial growth inhibitors (harsh chemical cleaners such as bleaches, peroxides and antiseptic solutions) and system maintenance.
Broadly speaking, 4 to 7 years is the most common pumpout frequency. Regular system maintenacne and servicing gives the client plenty of warning of a pending pump out.