TMC Family

Tony Johansen, principle of TMC Australasia has a background in chemical engineering and liquid waste management. He has held positions in production, research and Management. Tony has a BSc in Applied Science with a MBA in Technology Management. Prior to starting TMC Australasia, Tony was Biological Plant Manager at Brookdale Waste Treatment Facility a Western Australian Department of Environment liquid waste treatment facility operated by Cleanaway Technical Services.
It was the exposure at Brookdale that Tony recognised market potential in the south-west of Western Australia.
After the closure of Brookdale Tony returned home to Busselton to begin TMC. Many diversified projects were undertaken both in Australia and overseas however it was the local wine industry that attracted his attention.
Tony specialised in winery wastewater treatment has designed, built and operated facilities at several high profile wineries in Margaret River, and the Great Southern. Today Tony is called in to either redesign or modify existing plant experiencing difficulties
TMC has expanded its operations with the formation of TMC Witchcliffe a new state of the art water recovery facility to serve 1200 people occupying the Witchcliffe Eco Village. Repurposed water will irrigate agriculture owned by the village as a community owned venture. TMC Witchcliffe is the Water Licensee and asset owner providing sewer services and supply of non potable water.
Aaryn has a degree in Science (BSc Energy Systems, Min Chem) from Murodch University and is also undertaking post graduate masters studies in the field of environmental engineering. Aaryn has worked in a wide range of industries from chemical processing (biofuels), mining and mineral processing (alumina and coal), wastewater and environmental technology development. Aaryn's diverse professional background makes him a strong problem solver and project manager. Career highlights include achieving runner-up in the 2011 BHP Global Excellence Awards for a project involving the development and implementation of a high intensity tailings deposition and consolidation strategy.
Aaryn has satisfied the requirements for the design and servicing of ATU's via Queensland TAFE and will take a leading role in developing and expanding TMC and Ultraclear Servicing in WA and internationally.