Winery Wastewater Projects
Naturaliste Vintners - Margaret River Western Australia - 2019

Project Budget: $60K AUD
Project Brief
Desludge existing tanks
Demolish existing tanks
Installation of new tanks & pipework
Dry out sludge onsite in preparation for removal

VOYAGER ESTATE - Margaret Rive Western Australia - 2016

Project Budget: $100K AUD
Project Brief
Demolish existing tanks & pipework
Removing old electrical
Installation of new tanks & pipework
Install aeration to tank 2
Replace electrical cabling and wiring trays
Forester Estate - Margaret Rive Western Australia - 2005

Naturaliste Vintners - Margaret RiverWestern Australia - 2007

Project Budget: $300K AUD
Project Brief
Winery 1,000 T, wastewater 3 ML/yr
Membrane biorector evaluation/research project
enhamced functionality to operate in MBR or SBR modes
Discharge specification <50 mg/L BOD
System Composition
Coarse filtration - fine wire screen
Buffer storage - 125 kL
Reactor - 125 kL
Membrane - Kuboto flatsheet
effluent irragted to recreation lawns
Project Budget: $250K AUD
Project Brief
Winery 1,200 T; wastewater 3-4 Ml/yr
Discharge specification <50 mg/L BOD
No land limitations
Low energy footprint
System Composition
Winery discharge sump
Dual 250 kL raw water storage
Aeration lagoon/reed system (60m x 37m)
Plantagenet Wines - Mount Barker Western Australia - 2007

Project Budget: $250K AUD
Project Brief
No odour - Central town location
Winery 2,000 T; wastewater 3-4 ML/yr
Discharge specification <100 mg/L BOD (sewer discharge specification)
System Composition
SBR (sequence batch reactor)
100 kL raw water storage
125 kL aeration tank
Custom low energy sludge dewatering system
Operator friendly time sequence control
Stella Bella - KarridaleWestern Australia - 2008

Project Budget: $300K AUD
Project Brief
Discahrge to vineyard irrigation dam
Winery 1,500 T wastewater 4 ML/yr
Discharge specification <10 mg/L BOD
System Composition
Utilisation of existing dam & water pumping infrastructure
Raw water storage via lagoon and tank arangement
KOH hollow core MBR
Flexi SBR or MBR operation
Howard Park Wines - Margaret River Western Australia - 2008

Project Budget: $500K AUD
Project Brief
Upgrade and reconfigure exiting wastewater plant to SBR
Eliminate reliance on chemicals
SBR spec to 30-50 kL/day
Winery 3,000 T wastewater 5 ML/yr
Discharge specification <10 mg/L BOD
System Composition
Reconfigure onsite water tanks to flatbottom clarrifier
sludge dewatering and disposal to marc beds
125 kL aeration tank
250 kL buffer tank
McHENRY HONAN WINERY- Margaret River Western Australia - 2006

Project Budget: $100 K AUD
Project Brief
Winery 200 T; wastewater 0.5 ML/yr
Discharge specification <500 mg/L BOD
Low cost
low energy footprint
System Composition
Multi-stage anaerobic digestion - operating volume 125 kL
Efflunent irrigated to tree plantation
Cape Mentelle - Margaret River Western Australia - 2004

Project Budget: $500K AUD
Project Brief
2000 t (max)
Low energy footprint
Eco sustainable design - low impact on surrounding environment
Discharge specification <80 mg/LBOD
Integrated Anaerobic/Aerobic/Reed system
System Composition
Anaerobic, aerobic lagoons
reedbed de-nutrification
Effluent irrgated to engineered conifer forrest