Witchcliffe Eco Village
The project is progressing with the completion of the sewer network for stages 1 & 2 with house sites now in construction (April 2021).
The irrigation storage lagoon is complete fully lined and fenced (April 2021).
Built by Nature building company has been engaged to complete the buildings within the treatment plant site (March 2021).
All below ground concrete transfer tanks are installed together will drainage connections (Ready McGentty Plumbing). Prelay of power and communications conduits installed (March 2021)

Mike Hume Director Sustainable Settlements and Tony Johansen Director TMC Australasia and the newly formed TMC Witchcliffe sign off June 26th 2019
With the site pad now complete construction of the tank farm slab and building can commence. (May 2021)

Contractors have been tested with the onset of winter. The rammed earth tank farm bunding is complete and considerable progress is made on the site building (Built by Nature) June 2021

Covert similar to other projects has slowed the Witchcliffe project. Oct 2021 all site buildings are complete together with the installation of the first smaller MBBR bio reactor. The second MBBR to arrive in November together with the odor control equipment. Anticipate commissioning date December 2021
Its been a difficult time in 2022 we all have not anticipated construction delays of this magnitude but there has been progress. The second MBBR module was installed together with its associated platform in March. Odatech tanks installed ready to be fitted out April. Extensive pipework both above and below ground completed. Electrical cabling and comms work to begin soon. Anticipated commissioning date now May 2022
June 2022. Progress has included the addition of the remaining MBBR pads. Installation of the control system and MCC cabinet in readiness of communications cabling. External pipework is complete. Still plenty of jobs to complete and start, availability of trades has continued to retard progress together with the onset of our second winter. Commissioning anticipated August 2022.
June 2023. This has been a slow project. Many houses in the village are complete forcing the project to truck out wastewater from the estate pump stations.
The treatment facility is physically complete to allow wastewater to be received.
Outstanding include the 40kW solar array (work in progress) and the SCADA controls (work in progress).
Cleaning out of the estate pump stations and debugging the controls to be complete this month to allow continuous supply to the facility.
License validation period to commence in July
Covert similar to other projects has slowed the Witchcliffe project. Oct 2021 all site buildings are complete together with the installation of the first smaller MBBR bio reactor. The second MBBR to arrive in November together with the odor control equipment. Anticipate commissioning date December 2021